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A 6 Week Journey into  Spirit Communication & Ancestral Veneration

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Is this you?…

  • Are you searching for ways to develop a connection with your Ancestors but don’t know where to begin?

  • Do you feel intuitively gifted and led to share those gifts with the world but don’t know how to start? 

  • Are you looking for an entry point in working with your own Spirit Guides, Ancestors and Divination but haven’t found any relatable resources to do this? 

  • Are you ready to begin working with your Spirit Guides & Ancestors in a way that will revolutionize and transform your life? 

Then you’re in the right place. 

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When I had been looking for these answers, I soon discovered that accessing resources in these areas presented a challenge. The information I found was often elusive and didn’t provide details on the methodology that I was craving. 

Quite often, books would point towards visualizing and just “meditating” on one’s ancestors without providing other vital information on how to create a deeper relationship with them.  I was craving a technique that could provide the “how” that would allow me develop my psychic gifts while simultaneously improving the quality of my connection with the dead: my guides, ancestors & spirit realm. 

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Ultimately there is no better teacher than direct experience

And personal experimentation; I can attest to this. Throughout the years of training, studying & applying this in my own practice, I’ve compiled tools that have been highly impactful and have quenched my desire to develop psychically & communicate effectively with the dead.  

Now I'm bringing you back to square one and giving you the steps & tools to do the same.

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Everyone is born with the ability to instantly pull wisdom from their own infinite reservoir of divine intelligence.

We can all develop the confidence & skills to interpret subtle information from the Spirit Realm This is our birthright. 

Once we apply & integrate this guidance from our Spirits - that's when the magic happens & transformation occurs! 




Beyond the Veil

Accessing the Spirit Realm to Sharpen Your Intuition & Deepen Your Ancestral Connection

A 6 Week Journey into Spirit Communication & Ancestral Veneration

Instant Access. Start Now.


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What is the importance of Intuitive Development & Ancestral Veneration?

 Our ancestors are a key component of our own personal evolution and success in this lifetime. They can play a vital role in magnetizing opportunities to us, teaching us valuable lessons, protecting us, amplifying and supporting our natural gifts and pouring blessings onto us. They do this for the progression and evolution of your lineage because the core purpose is to have everyone’s soul be the best they can, continue to grow and expand into greatness. 



In order to work with the ancestors & the spirit realm, one needs:

  • A foundational understanding of how their own spirit operates in their physical vessel. 

  • How do our senses play a role in helping us “intuit” information? 

  • How can we then facilitate a connection with the spirit realm if we can’t necessarily “see” them? 

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This is where intuitive development comes in. 

Our bodies are naturally equipped to pick up subtle (psychic) energetic information from the world around us - including our familiar ancestors and beloved spirit guides. But society has trained us to ignore this sacred language, to rely on external sources for wisdom than trust our own and to shut down our natural gifts. 

This course is a call to come back home. 

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HOW CAN Developing your Intuition & Working with your Ancestors & Spirit Guides HELP YOU? 

By developing our intuition , we can gain wisdom and instant insight on what choices to make, prepare for major transitions in life, and receive instant answers to our most burning questions. 

We can explore the spiritual reasoning behind our experiences, get insight on signs that appear, manifest our desires, read energy, and essentially use our own given “supernatural” powers to make the most of our lives and thrive!

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Benefits of building a deeper relationship with your Ancestors

Everything is energy and thus everything provides information for us. There is value to be gained from working with your elevated ancestors and guides who are incredible allies in this journey of life. 


Ancestors can give us the push we need when we are feeling unmotivated, unclear and a loss of passion. 

Ancestors can give us the push we need when we are feeling unmotivated, unclear and a loss of passion. 

They can help us avoid major pitfalls that they’ve navigated themselves and send us tangible help & blessings to help us on our way. 

They act as a protective shield and a second set of eyes, removing all of that which doesn’t serve our highest good, out of our path - for when we cannot see for ourselves. 

They can help us reclaim the hidden gifts in our lineages that may not have had the privilege or opportunity to manifest and express themselves in prior lifetimes. 

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Our elevated ancestors love us unconditionally despite our personal shortcomings and choices; and are the epitome of unconditional love and light. 

And the same goes with our own unique team of Spirit Guides

Benefits of building a deeper relationship with your Spirit Guides:

  • Our elevated Spirit Guides are here to serve us while we navigate life. 

  • They help clear, cleanse and heal wounds, blockages & resistance we may carry that is keeping us from aligning with what we deserve and what we have chosen to do in this lifetime.

  • They can reveal vital information and guidance that is otherworldly & mystical, for your soul’s personal evolution & growth through dreams, signs, synchronicities, and other means.

In such times of great chaos, where disingenuous energies, people & agendas run rampant - it would deeply benefit you to connect with the spirit realm, honor your intuition, and make it a seamless part of your everyday life.

BY doing this YOU can fully reclaim your own magic and power in your lineage that others fought so hard to eradicate.

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By the end of this Beyond the Veil Course you’ll know:

  • How to potentially peer into the future and see possible outcomes to your choices. 

  • How to instantly access and connect to your elevated spirit guides to receive divine information, downloads and spiritual homework. 

  • How to activate and receive clairaudient psychic information through hearing spirit guidance. 

  • How to utilize subtle energy work to clear ancestral blockages, heal them and elevate yourself & your ancestors.

  • How to discern which are the best & highest spirits to work with and receive guidance from.  

  • How to build a strong connection and a consistent practice with your ancestors, even if you may not know who they are.

  • Learn how to build a unique altar to your Spirit Guides & Ancestors. 

  • How to gain confidence in your intuitive gifts, and trust your ability to receive divine guidance at will.


Instant access. start now!

You’ll know how potentially see future timelines on what lies ahead for you.


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This Course Is for You If:

  • You are new on your Spiritual Journey, you don’t know where to start and you want to learn the foundations of Intuitive Development and Ancestral Veneration. 

  • You want to know who your personal Spirit allies (your guides and ancestors) are, how they can help you, and how to work with them.

  • Want to sharpen and deepen your Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Claircognizant abilities.

  • Are looking to further build on your ancestral connection and learn techniques to support yourself on your healing path. 

  • You’re looking to learn how to recognize when Spirit is communicating to you, the meaning of such messages and how to establish an effective communicative system with the Spirit realm. 

  • You’re looking to advance your natural intuitive gifts and rely on yourself rather than using any divination tools. 


This Course Is NOT for you If:

  • You find it hard to commit or don’t prioritize your own spiritual practice and self-care.

  • You’re looking for a quick fix and are not willing to put in the work or practice to be the best version of yourself for the long-term.

  • You are still attached to the need for someone to validate your connection to the divine and tell you what is right for you. 

  • Are scared of working with the Spirit realm and accessing your Spirit Guides & Ancestors for guidance. 

  • Want to work through trial and error to figure everything out for yourself through numerous books, spiritual tools and products.

  • You’re an advanced practitioner that receives Divine Guidance at will and has confidence in and can trust your own intuition. 

  • You would rather play small in your life.

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Here’s What You’ll Expect:

6 Weeks of prerecorded Instruction! 2 hrs of Class a week with Homework Assignments!

A private community to connect with fellow spiritual explorers & expand on your knowledge & practice

Lifetime Access to the Course and Its Materials

Mini Audio Meditation Guides that you can listen to on the go to practice your gifts! 

2 prerecorded Q & A x Practice Sessions with Me during the Course, to assist you through any questions you may have!

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instant access. start now!

You’ll know how potentially see future timelines on what lies ahead for you.


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Tatianna Tarot is a Diviner, Intuitive Tarot Therapist, Spiritual Wellness Instructor, Iyalorisa Priestess, Espiritista and Mama, currently based in South Africa. She has over 20 years of experience as a Tarot Reader, providing this service as means of modern alternative therapy, aiding others in gaining awareness of their personal power, intuitive gifts and facilitating healing through deepening other’s connection with Spirit and their Ancestral lineages. Tatianna is also an Akashic Records practitioner, assisting/guiding others in healing deep rooted karmic patterns, past life trauma and giving insight on your soul’s journey. 


Here’s What You’ll Expect:

6 Weeks of Prerecorded Instruction! 2 hrs of Class a week with Homework Assignments!

A private community to connect with fellow spiritual explorers & expand on your knowledge & practice

Lifetime Access to the Course and Its Materials

Mini Audio Meditation Guides that you can listen to on the go to practice your gifts! 

2  prerecorded Q & A x Practice Sessions with Me during the Course, to assist you through any questions you may have!

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But I’m sure you have some questions like

  • I can relate. Quite often I know how schedules can change in an instant - whether that is juggling your kids' needs, working, feeling exhausted, etc. The course is prerecorded which means you don’t have to show up for anything LIVE and you catch the recordings at anytime it suits you. A bonus is that you have LIFETIME access to the course as well - so it’s truly go at your own pace!

  • Most definitely! This course is catered to those who are looking for a preliminary introduction of intuitive development and ancestral veneration. It doesn’t matter what your past experience was or lack thereof, despite the level we are on, it is our birthright to develop the intuitive / psychic gifts Creator blessed us with rather than relying on our logical facilities 24/7 and to start the journey of connecting with our ancestral lineages and power. I invite you to navigate a world of magic, mysticism, wonder and play; a space where most of us inhabited naturally as kids. By venturing into the imaginal realm and working with our Spirit allies, we are then equipped to best navigate this life more efficiently and certainly more enjoyably.

  • The methods that I’ll be showing you are ensured to introduce you to a gentle and easeful approach into the Spirit realm. Just like humans in this world, there are a variety of different quality Spirits we can be working with and for the safety and protection of our beings, I will be teaching you how to work with the most elevated / wisest of Spirits in your core group. You will be equipped with methods to ensure proper cleansing, clearing and healing techniques for yourself and your spirit guides. Additionally, you will also be utilizing some subtle energy healing tools & a step by step process that ensures you are accessing the spirit realm from a space of groundedness, protection and clear discernment, sensing for yourself in an empowering way, which spirits are best for you to work with.

  • When purchasing the Course I will ask you to voluntarily sign a confidentiality agreement. If you are unwilling to abide by this vital requirement, you will not be able to access the course. It would NOT be fair to other participants that invested their money for access to this exclusive content if it were to be reproduced and distributed freely. It would also be a breach of the confidentiality agreement you signed upon joining. Please feel free to share your benefits, experience and growth with your friends, but protect the integrity of this Course and handle it with the same care you would use with your own business or work.

  • Good question. I want you to be intentional about taking the course that is right for you. However, given the nature of the material, once you enroll we will not offer refunds.

  • After you register, we will add you to the list of participants and you will receive instructions so you can access the Beyond the Veil course. Let’s do this!

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By purchasing you are agreeing to these terms of service.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to
