A 10 Week Journey Into Tarot & Self-Exploration
Mon, Sept 16th, 2024 - Mon, Nov 18th, 2024
+ Amplify Your Intuition
+ Strengthen Your Connection To Spirit
+ Unlock The Answers You’ve Been Seeking
Reading Tarot Can Be Overwhelming and Filled w/ Self Doubt
Without a proper foundation in the Tarot System, reading this divination system can seem tedious, daunting, overwhelming, and disconnected.
You can spend all your money researching articles and Tarot glossaries online, quick workshops and Ebooks and still not know how to apply it to your own life, or know how to activate your own intuition so that your Spirit Guides are feeding you the information rather than simply relying on the card’s pre-determined definition. This doesn’t need to be the case:

Overwhelmed at the amount of Tarot Practitioners reading but not offering valuable content or classes on “How To Read” and “How To Develop Your Clairvoyant Abilities”?
Are you looking to empower yourself and bring this skill into your personal spiritual practice and life but feel like you need a mentor?
Do you find it challenging to find a Tarot/Intuitive/Spiritual instructor who is Black or Brown providing instructional courses and you’re yearning to learn from someone relatable?
Have you been reading all the online Tarot definitions and purchasing all the books but still feel overwhelmed on how to get started or can’t trust your own intuition?
Have you been called to read the Tarot but are too scared to truly dive in and open up to your gifts?
Do you want to be able to instantly trust and receive Higher Guidance from your Spiritual Team and Ancestors?
If this is the case
Then I feel you completely. After reading Tarot for over 20 years, I’ve worked through the kinks of teaching myself all the shortcuts, tricks and tips on amplifying my own intuition, learning the Tarot and teaching others to do the same in a fun and effective manner. I’ve seen clients from all walks of life from beginners to advanced, utilize my methods and tools and be able to shift their readings and enhance their connection to the cards with their own Spirit and Spirit Guides.
I built my business up from scratch during a time where there weren’t hardly any Spiritualists online and Social Media had just become a “thing.” Instructors did not look like me at the time and no one was teaching Tarot online. I took my natural gifts and further developed them throughout the years through putting in thousands of hours of readings with clients, practicing on family, friends, elders, strangers, and reading at public events with hundreds of people for several hours and even television appearances.
I’d had to manage burn out, learn a new level of discernment and spiritual protection, figure out how to effectively cleanse myself on multi-levels and dimensions, effectively connect and communicate with my Ancestors and Guides (and those of my clients) and establish balance between the physical world and the spiritual.
If you’re anything like my clients, you are looking for a way to learn these gifts without having to put in thousands of hours of readings or decades of practice. You want the full recipe so you can make the meal and savor it for years to come.
Luckily, you’re in the right place. I’ve compiled my most effective tips and teaching methods into:
Embodying The High Priestess: Tarot Divination 101
A 10 week Journey into Tarot & Self-Exploration By Tatianna Tarot.
Mon, Sept 16th, 2024 - Mon, Nov 18th, 2024
Everyone can learn Tarot Divination but without the proper foundation for developing your Sixth Senses and Intuitive skills, you’ll be relying more on the cards than your own Wisdom. It is our birthright to be naturally intuitive and spiritually gifted.

What is Embodying The High Priestess: Tarot Divination 101?
The High Priestess is the archetype of the Mystic, the Higher Self, our Expanded Sense of Awareness that can receive information from both Conscious and SubConscious places. We all carry this element of The High Priestess within us, regardless of our gender expression. It’s all about cultivating and nourishing these gifts so that they can speak for themselves.
The High Priestess is the archetype of the Mystic, the Higher Self, our Expanded Sense of Awareness that can receive information from both Conscious and SubConscious places. We all carry this element of The High Priestess within us, regardless of our gender expression. It’s all about cultivating and nourishing these gifts so that they can speak for themselves. Embodying The High Priestess meanings deliberately choosing to validate YOURSELF rather than an external definition, person, or reader to serve you the information that you can access for yourself. It means stepping into your power and reclaiming your Spiritual Gifts and tools as your own! It means having the courage to confidently develop your own psychic tool kit and to finally operate in alignment with your Spirit’s wisdom with faith.
Embodying The High Priestess will take you on a journey of Self-Discovery through the cards, so that you can best apply the symbolism and iconography to your own life, while receiving downloads and channelled information from your own Spiritual Team and Ancestors who communicate with you through the cards, in a safe manner. The energy of the High Priestess is within us at all times but we often ignore or overlook this power to search for something outside of ourselves. But what would it look like if you explored this potential and made it your personal practice? How would our lives change if we remembered how to access that High Priestess energy and pulled from it instead of ignoring our wisdom and heart. You already know the answers. You hold the key to all doors in your path.

If you’re anything like my clients and students:
You’re aware that you have Spiritual gifts but you don’t know how to fully develop them.
You’re interested in the healing and self-discovery components of Tarot but don’t know how to apply them to your life effectively.
You’re looking for a professional to mentor you and guide you properly when it comes to Divination and Spiritual Work.
You want to manifest your goals and dreams but you may be unclear on how to do so.
You’ve felt a ‘pull’ to work more with your Spirit Guides and Ancestors through your cards but are clueless on how to do so.
May potentially see yourself reading professionally but want to ensure you have a proper foundation and good educational background first; Have experience with the cards but every time you pull for yourself or a client, you are judgmental or critical of your interpretation.
You are looking to get clarity and answers in your life on an array of topics.
You want to trust and use your intuition more in life but find yourself doubting instead.
You are looking to get clarity and answers in your life on an array of topics.
You want to trust and use your intuition more in life but find yourself doubting instead.
Perhaps you’ve been trying to “figure it out” along the way…
Grabbing bits and pieces from resources online and from books but still don’t feel satisfied or fulfilled. Maybe you have dropped the ball, or even feel disconnected from the cards because of the daunting responsibility to learn all 78 cards. You can now suddenly feel less enthusiastic about learning and discouraged to strengthen your intuitive skills. But if you act on your discouragement then:
You’ll never get to actualize your psychic potential and clairvoyant abilities.
You may continue feeling disconnected, disappointed and feel like you’re missing out with the Tarot and other Divination cards.
Will be missing out on important messages from your Spirit Guides and Ancestors.
Won’t understand underlying messages and symbolism that come from the Universe or your guides.
You can feel like you’ll never get to the root of some of your subconscious patterns and anxieties that plague your life.
You may feel as if you’re not completely fulfilling your purpose or calling.
You may feel constantly plagued by a lack of clarity and overall understanding of yourself and personal journey.
You can feel frustrated by the lack of spiritual tools you have to deepen your spiritual practice..

It’s time for you to step into your Power
Learn how to read Tarot For yourself and communicate with your guides in an effective manner so you can unlock the answers and guidance you need to thrive in your life!
By the end of this Divination Course you’ll know:
How to effectively cleanse and clear your energy before and after a reading.
How to access and connect to your Higher Self, Spirit Guides and Ancestors.
How to ask the juicy and important questions that will give you the best answers you need.
How to identify and define the Major and Minor Arcana cards and conjure your own definitions from your own intuitive impulses.
How to recognize and tap into your main Intuitive & Psychic gifts and continuously nurture them.
How to apply Tarot for all areas of your life including: Healing (Shadow Work, Past Life, Karmic Patterns & More), Business, Romance, Energy Work and More w/ Spreads!
How to have a conversation with your Spirit Guides and Ancestors through Tarot Divination
Have an intimate understanding of how all the cards apply to you in your journey
Unique meditations that allow you to clear outdated / old subconscious beliefs and reprogram more aligned energies that will bring you one step closer to manifesting your best life!
How to begin reading for others!
How to apply Tarot for all areas of your life including: Healing (Shadow Work, Past Life, Karmic Patterns & More), Business, Romance, Energy Work and More w/ Spreads!
Enroll now!
Mon, Sept 16th, 2024 - Mon, Nov 18th, 2024
In Embodying The High Priestess: Tarot Divination 101
We break the Tarot system down in a way that is approachable, relatable and real! Each week I will guide you through an aspect of the deck or spiritual modalities you’ll need for your personal toolbox in spiritual wellness and tarot divination, giving you the fundamentals of what you’ll need for your journey as a reader or self-practitioner. Week by week, you will deepen your understanding of the cards, sharpen your intuitive abilities and get more clear about your life.
You will learn how to read the cards without holding anyone’s hand and fully trusting and owning your own Source given talent.
You will know what it takes to dive deep and explore your own personal themes and challenges, and receive guidance on what to do to heal and move past them.
You will develop a strong relationship with your Spirit Guides and Ancestors so that they provide the backbone of the wisdom to your readings and blessings in life.
Instead of feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, doubtful and unclear, you will be supported by an exciting, warm and passionate community, all taking the journey along with you.
You will have the very tools that have enabled me to establish a business as a successful reader and entrepreneur.

Week 1: Spiritual Foundation
Cleansing Before and After A Reading
The Importance of Protecting Yourself & Your Space during a reading.
Grounding Before and After A Reading
Selecting A Tarot Deck and Integrating Your Energy w/ It
Getting to know your Ancestors and Spirit
Guides (Introduction to Channelling, Automatic Writing & Elevation Work)
Psychic Development and Knowing your Senses
Week 2: The Fundamentals of Tarot
How to create an Invocation Prayer
Symbolism & Storytelling in Tarot
(Iconography & Color Symbolism)
Feeding Your Deck
Cleansing & Clearing the Energy of your Deck
What is the Major & Minor Arcana?
The Importance of Court Cards & Suits (Energy)
Week 3: The Minor Arcana & Archetypes
The 22 Archetypes, Their Medicine & How to Integrate Their Wisdom
Positive Orientation vs Negative Orientation
Week 4: The Pentacles
The Earth Element Court x Minor Pentacles cards
Positive Orientation vs Negative Orientation
Week 5: The Swords
The Air Element
Court x Minor Swords cards
Positive Orientation vs Negative Orientation
Week 6: The Cups
The Water Element
Court x Minor Water cards
Positive Orientation vs Negative Orientation
Week 7: The Wands
The Fire Element
Court x Minor Wands cards
Positive Orientation vs Negative Orientation
Week 8: Summoning the High Priestess
Using your Ancestors & Guides w/ your Readings
Intuitive Divination w/ Tarot
Basic Spreads Tutorial
Creating Your Own Spreads
Combining Cards / the Elements
Week 9: Integrating the High Priestess
Learning How to Formulate Questions
Problem Solving Through Tarot
Shadow Work Through Tarot
Clearing Blocks & Subconscious Energy
w/ Tarot (Meditation Exercises)
Ancestral & Spirit Guides Spread
Week 10: Embodying the High Priestess
Timing in the Tarot
Practice Readings

Activate Your Intuition and Unlock the Answers You’ve Been Seeking
Here’s What You’ll Expect:
10 Weeks of PRE-RECORDED Instruction alongside a community of Tarot Learners like you!
An Embodying the High Priestess: Tarot Divination 101 Workbook and an Embodying the High Priestess Tarot Divination Journal (Exclusive to the Course)
Live Q & A Sessions to assist you through any questions or challenges you may have!
Opportunity to do some quick live readings at the end of the course and potentially read for some of my clients!
Ready to Embody the High Priestess and Connect Deeper to Spirit?

This Course Is Just for You If:
You are serious about developing and deepening your Spiritual Practice and Divination Skills.
You want to take your mediumship abilities to the next level by using Tarot.
You’re looking to proactively heal, empower and find the solutions that will allow you to align with success, happiness and ease in your life.
You’re thinking about reading Professionally one day but want a good foundational background before doing so.
You’re eager to develop your Psychic and Intuitive gifts and have this be a leading point of guidance in your life.
You’re ready to empower yourself and take charge of your own life instead of waiting for a sign or someone to give you permission.
You want a Tarot Community to learn and explore with.
This Course Is NOT for You If:
You find it hard to commit or don’t prioritize your own Spiritual Practice and Self-Care.
You’re looking for a quick fix and are not willing to put in the work or practice to be the best version of yourself.
You’re not really looking to honor or trust your intuition, you just want quick definitions.
Want to take the long way through trial and error to figure everything out for yourself.
You’re looking to make a quick buck out of your readings and don’t want to put in the time to truly learn or practice.
You don’t feel called to Tarot Divination.
Recap of What’s Included:
10 Weeks of LIVE Instruction alongside a community of Tarot Learners like you!
Classes are recorded and saved for those who can’t attend.
Live Q & A Sessions with Me, to assist you through any questions or challenges you may have!
An Embodying the High Priestess: Tarot Divination 101 Workbook and an Embodying the High Priestess Tarot Divination Journal (Exclusive to the Course)
Your energy and aura after a reading! Opportunity to do some quick live readings at the end of the course and potentially read for some of my clients!

Hear From Some of My Clients!
Nothing like your energy to whip a girl back to reality. Once again, your guidance is invaluable. Without you I would probably be spiraling in the wrong direction. Your perspective and insight is practical and reassuring and I can't thank you enough. You are so influential to my mindset and your words/vibe is always direct and inspiring. Just the right amount of stern to wake me up from whatever I am worrying about. Thank you for doing what you do! You save me so much stress and time with your advice.
- Rhonda
I feel like you read my situation beautifully and were able to speak to it clearly. You gave me just the encouragement I needed to proceed. Your magic, integrity and work is inspiring, and extremely effective. Thank you for having the courage to offer it to the world.
- Michael
I am always so blown away by your intuition and the way you weave things into words, stories, lessons, things to consider... etc. Thank you for sharing your gift and making it available.
- Emily
I haven’t been read for in over a decade but I must say you were absolutely amazing. First of all, I was able to connect with you right off the bat. You were very honest and straight to the point with no sugar coating for which I am grateful for. Everything you told me resonated with me and began to unfold from the very next day. I have taken your advice on many things and I must admit it was the best decision I could have made. Thank you for your professionalism and your kindness! You are now my go to for readings and I am looking forward to another appointment soon!
- Karo
I am grateful to you and the service you provide. I cannot even being to express how at ease you have made me feel. It was as if you were the last piece to the puzzle. Thank you for being kind, thorough, and patient. I am now set up on a path with confidence and am excited for what the future has in store for me. Your gift does not go unappreciated.
- Erika
Your reading brought me such invaluable peace of mind. Your answers confirmed what I couldn't exactly trust myself to believe about the situation and I needed that extra insight to help me. You addressed a subconscious concern of mine regarding my relationship that I didn't realize was so important to me until after we hung up! I didn't even have to ask it out right and you answered me! I honestly feel like I can trust your words more than anyone I've ever gone to, just in how you are and your demeanor. You're the real deal. I can't wait to work with you again! Thank you so much for your services.
- Trung
As usual, your honesty and deep intuitive skills served me well. You helped to shed light on some issues I had questions about, while confirming many things I have been intuiting myself. Your guidance nudged me closer to truly realizing my own intuitive capacities, and I am ever so grateful. And your candor reminded me that I'm not off the hook from continuing the work, that I need to focus, be brave, and look harder for what is in front of me but that I still seem to be closed to. I am taking your advice and doubling down on my healing and connection to spirit, and I know this will continue to make things clearer as I move forward and deeper into my transformation.
- Adrienne

When You Complete This Course You Will:
Know how to effectively cleanse and clear your energy before and after a reading
Know how to access and connect to your Higher Self, Spirit Guides and Ancestors
Ask all the juicy and important questions that will give you the best answers you need
Gain all the tools to explore deep into your own life and begin healing in a profound way!
Be able to identify and define the Major and Minor Arcana cards and conjure your own definitions from your own intuitive impulses
Have the ability to recognize and tap into your main Intuitive & Psychic gifts and continuously nurture them
Have the confidence to read for others!
But I’m sure you have some questions like
But Tatianna, What if I cannot commit to those live dates and times for Q&A Sessions?
I’ve got you covered. Life happens, as a Single Mother, I know how schedules can change in an instant. All live Q & A sessions will be recorded in case you experience any plot twists and can’t attend a live session.
If I sign up and complete the course, will I be ready to launch my website and sell readings for profit?
Whoa easy there! We all grow at different paces but to ensure full integrity and competency in your readings, I would suggest that you offer donation based readings after you’ve completed the course and still practice on self, friends, family and even at events for a year before you take your training wheels off and fly!
But I’ve heard that you can’t read Tarot for yourself, nor are you allowed to buy your own deck. Can I still take the course?
These are just a few of the Tarot myths that have circulated throughout the years due to dogmatic beliefs, fears and from the rarity of owning a Tarot deck back in the days, where the elite were privileged to have a printing press and thus owned a deck. In those times, you either had to have the money to print your own tarot deck or were gifted a deck. We no longer live in those times and Tarot is such an excellent tool to help you work through your personal development kinks and awaken to your true potential. I recommend everyone purchasing a deck that resonates with them and learning to read!
Once I buy the content can I reproduce it and give it to all my friends?
When purchasing the Course I will ask you to voluntarily sign a confidentiality agreement. If you are unwilling to abide by this vital requirement, we will happily refund your investment. It would NOT be fair to other participants that invested their money for access to this exclusive content if it were to be reproduced and distributed freely. It would also be a breach of the confidentiality agreement you signed upon joining. Please feel free to share your benefits, experience and growth with your friends, but protect the integrity of this Course and handle it with the same care you would use with your own business.
After the Course is completed, how long do I have access to it?
After you enroll, you will have lifetime access to the Live version of the Course you enrolled in.
What if I change my mind? Can I have a refund?
Good question. I want you to be intentional about taking the course that is right for you. However, given the nature of the material, once you enroll we will not offer refunds.
What happens once I enroll In the Course?
After you register, we will add you to the list of participants and you will receive instructions so you can access the Embody The High Priestess course. Let’s do this!

As a Tarot Diviner for 20 years+…
It is so important for me to supply you with the keys on how to develop your own Spiritual Gifts and seek the answers Yourself, rather than relying on me or any other reader to find the answers for you. There is nothing wrong with getting a reading - I love them but empowerment is Queen and with the proper tools that I’ve developed throughout the years, I am excited to teach you how to do it for yourself and get clarity at the blink of an eye.
Without my Tarot practice, I would have not been able to make the important life changing decisions, avoid some major pitfalls and generate a successful business the way that I have. This is all a testament to my connection with my Spirit Guides, Ancestors and my ability to look beyond mundane and seek deeper answers, ask better questions and do the work for myself.
Tarot and Intuition are no different than working out at a gym or pursuing a degree - you gotta practice, do your homework and be consistent with your studies in order to grow, master and excel in your craft. Even years in the game, I am still learning new tricks and tips on my skills shown to me by my Ancestors and Guides. Tarot is a lifelong journey that is ever giving and ever growing along with you.
Let me be your mentor and guide you into this path. Stop resisting your truth and ease into your potential by taking the Course and tapping into your inner High Priestess. Permanently. I’ll see y’all in the Course!
By purchasing you are agreeing to these terms of service. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to assistant@tatiannatarot.com

Ready to Embody the High Priestess and Connect Deeper to Spirit?

Tatianna Tarot is a Tarot Diviner, Spiritist, Medium, Educator, Iyalorisa of Isese Ifa-Orisa tradition and Mama, currently based in Bali, Indonesia. She has over 20+ years of experience as a Tarot Reader, providing the service as means of modern alternative therapy, aiding others in gaining awareness of their personal power, intuitive gifts and facilitating healing through deepening other’s connection with Spirit and their Ancestral lineages. Tatianna is also an Akashic Records practitioner & Subtle Energy Healer, guiding others in healing their limiting patterns & beliefs, traumas & blockages & provides insightful downloads about your personal soul’s journey and any beneficial information your Spirit needs to know.
She leads international retreats that focus on personal development, spiritual wellness and mental health and she hosts masterclasses throughout the world, focusing on Spiritual & Personal Empowerment through Spiritual traditional practices of the African diaspora, Subtle Energy Healing and Divination work.